Category: Soluslabs

Updates to SolusVM 2 Plan Names

We are moved to announce updates to the naming of our plans in SolusVM 2! These changes are designed to provide greater clarity, modernize terminology, and better communicate the value of our offerings, all while ensuring a seamless experience for you.

SolusVM 1.13.01 Released!

SolusVM v1.13.01 is now available. Please report any bugs found to our ticket system. SolusVM 1.13.01 contains the following features, fixes & changes: Added [KVM]

SolusVM 1.13.00 Beta R5 Available!

SolusVM v1.13.00 Beta R5 is now available. If you are currently running v1.10.xx or above you can upgrade directly from the admin area. Tools >>

Xen 4.1.2 RPM Update (CVE-2012-3494 CVE-2012-3496)

Update RPM’s for Xen 4.1.2 are available from our repo Changelog: Security patches for CVE-2012-3494 & CVE-2012-3496 CVE-2012-3494 [quote] Xen Security Advisory CVE-2012-3494

Xen 3.4.4 RPM Update (CVE-2012-3494 CVE-2012-3496)

Update RPM’s for Xen 3.4.4 are available from our repo Changelog: Security patches for CVE-2012-3494 & CVE-2012-3496 CVE-2012-3494 [quote] Xen Security Advisory CVE-2012-3494

WHMCS Module v3.3 Released!

WHMCS Module v3.3 has now been released. This release addresses minor layout issues with WHMCS v5.1.2 plus support for KVM templates (SolusVM v1.12 and above)

SolusVM 1.10.00 Released!

SolusVM v1.10.00 is now available. Please report any bugs found to our ticket system. SolusVM 1.10.00 contains the following features & fixes: Added Persian client

Linux Kernel Vulnerability

A vulnerability has been found in the Linux kernel, which unfortunately is just about every system running 64-bit Linux. This vulnerability was introduced into the

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