Day: May 5, 2013

2 New KVM Generation 2 Templates Added

2 new KVM operating system templates have been added to the TDN. Ubuntu 13.04 Server x86 Minimal v1 (gen 2) Ubuntu 13.04 Server x86_64

2 New KVM Generation 2 Templates Added

2 new KVM operating system templates have been added to the TDN. Fedora 18 x86_64 Minimal v1 (gen 2) Fedora 18 x86 Minimal v1

2 New KVM Generation 2 Templates Added

2 new KVM operating system templates have been added to the TDN. Debian 7.0.0 x86_64 Minimal v1 (gen 2) Debian 7.0.0 x86 Minimal v1

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